Eliasson is one of the most famous artists working with light and optics. Although most of his projects appear to be driven by affect, the most recent works like Little Sun, which deserves a separate post, are also addressing social issues.
Probably the most known work is “The weather project”, where a huge “Sun” was installed in Tate modern, creating a striking atmosphere.
Imagery of the Sun is a repeated theme. Urban scale installations were made in Utrecht, Double Sunset (1999)

and Dnipro Sunrise (2012)
In most of his solar related work Sun is participating not directly, but as some kind of representation.
Sunset kaleidoscope, 2005
But there are a few cases interacting with sun rays directly. For example, Sunspace for Shibukawa (2009) marks the path of the Sun with lenses, installed on a dome, within wich time-specific rainbows are generated.